Sunday, November 2, 2008

Watch history, or participate in history

Alternate title: Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? (nananananan)

Living in Chicago in November 2008 is a once in a lifetime experience. I am almost happy that the Cubs didn't get in the world series; combine with the Obama-extravaganza, the city would explode with excitement.

November 4 history will be made - no matte who wins. That is not the question. My question: Is it enough to watch history, or should I participate in it. I didn't make calls for any candidates. I didn't even donate. I did cast a vote, but in Chicago, it really doesn't matter - and I am pretty okay with it.

Should I go to Grant Park Tuesday night?

If I go, I will be able to tell my grandchildren I was there. I was with the other million people creating history. I will be a part of a once in the lifetime experience of a collective passion and (dare I say it) change.

If I stay at home I will most likely stay up on the information and delegate count more than if I went to the park. But information comes with anxiety and fear. I will be able to ride the coaster of the Electoral College count. I can eat popcorn, drink wine and cross my fingers and my toes feet away from my bed. I also don't have the possibility of dealing with riot-geared Chicago police or portable potties.

The cynic in me says Dayle is encouraging people to come downtown just to show the 2012 Olympic Committee that Chicago can handle it. The anxious single girl is afraid of what happens if Obama wins - or worse - if he looses. Wednesday will I regret that I chose the easy option? Wednesday will I be happy that when the news was out I was able to react personally? I really don't know.

Maybe the best option would be for me to go to the Obama party the same way I see all sporting events - box seats. Anyone have some box seats to the party?

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