Saturday, January 3, 2009

Watching war (**edited**)

I do not know much about the Israeli/Palestine/Gaza history or conflict.

From watching George on This week, I originally posted incorrect information regarding this conflict. I still do not know much about the conflict, but this is a somewhat more accurate account:

I think it has something to do about Palestine and Hamas (ruling party of Palestine?) not following the established peace treaty where Israel returned control of the Gaza Strip in exchange for peace between the countries approximately in 2005. Can anyone correct me or expand on this?

The specifics of the situation aside, this is a war/conflict that America did not start. Is this how the rest of the world looks at the Iraqi war? Yes, it is on a smaller scale. Casualties have be relatively low, Israel did not start the conflict, but they uped the stakes with the ground campaign . From what I have learned through PBS documentaries, the Iraqi causalities from the shock and awe of "strategic smart bombs" were much less than when boots hit the ground. Is this going to be true in Gaza?

And I don't think America is completely clean of responsibility in this military action. Politics and US finical support of Israel causes aside, American has set a precedence for overzealous military reactions and the minimization of diplomacy. Ms Rice can say what she likes about a need for a "swift and sustainable" cease fire but, as a "superpower" what are we doing. Shouldn't all cease fires be swift and sustainable? It seems to me that those who have tried to mediate don't have the street credit with either group for them to stick with it.

Major military campaigns are not drawn up as quickly as Israel reacted. If they don't believe that Palestine will keep their side of the cease fire mediated by Egypt of course they are going to prepare for action. If Palestine sees Israel prepping, of course they will build up as well.

It is a vicious circle of mistrust. So who can gain the trust of both parties? Who can gain, and more importantly keep, the trust of countries across the globe. Now those of you who only see the liberal in me are guessing I am going to say Obama. But I am not sure. My good friend Barack has a lot on his plate. He has a few wars (Iraqi and Afghanistan), domestic issues (healthcare, the economy, bankrupt states), and global issues such as the need for true environmental and financial reform.

As much as I support Obama, he is not the silver bullet for all of our problems. Who else is going to step up and say "Everybody! Stop it! Shut-up. Sit down and lets talk to each other like human beings." I know it isn't that simple. I know I am living in a fantasy world with rainbow stair cases and lollipops flowers. But my good friend Barack cannot do it on his own. We need someone else. We need everyone else. What am I going to do to help. What can you do?

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