Tuesday, May 27, 2008

and now for something terrible

I love the fact that there are still pirates. In a world where everything is being renamed and civil protest can be called an act of terrorism, I love that there are still pirates - more specifically the fact that they are called pirates.

It is terrible what is going on in Somalia and I do not mean to make light of it. But when I see a blip on the TV in the office elevator and the only word I catch is pirate and they aren't talking about Johnny Depp or the latest rendition of Peter Pan - it cracks my shit up.

In a sick and twisted way, the use of the word pirate makes me feel better. Life hasn't changed all that much since swashbucklers and the uncertain life upon the high seas.

On a serious note - these pirates are focusing their pillaging on UN Food Program and Relief cargo ships. They are waiting until the larger vessel is anchored just off the coast and the cargo is put into small boats to be taken ashore. These areas are notorious for pirates and the work of these UN and other aid organizations is heroic.

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