Sunday, August 31, 2008

not about religion

I am not religious. I was born and raised catholic, but not currently practicing. But, I would say I am spiritual in a karmic kind of way. I believe good deeds are rewarded. I believe there are repercussions for our actions. Do I believe in a higher being pulling the strings, but still giving us choice? I don't know.

The bible and I go way back. I read it as a teen, but don't really remember why. I took a course in college about religious texts as literature. I think there are wonderful stories and the similarities between each religion's sacred text is fascinating. And sometimes, I find something in the Bible (and other texts), things that actually helps me in life.

I found this from St. Francis. I don't know if it is in the bible. I don't even remember where I found it. But here it is:

Where there is charity and wisdom there is no fear nor ignorance.
Where there is patience and humility there is neither anger nor vexation.

Where there is peace and meditation there is neither anxiety nor doubt.

Going through life, if we practice charity and wisdom, could our fear and ignorance go away? If we find patience and humility in ourselves will our uncontrollable anger and vexation for the petty things disappear? If we find peace and meditate, will our anxiety and doubt be relieved?

I don't know. But I do know, for whatever reason, this helps. Do I know it by heart? No. Do I still yell at cars when they blatantly disregard pedestrian right of way? Yes. But it is a good reminder. Something to bring me back to the important things in life; and the way I want to live my live.

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