Thursday, September 25, 2008

home, sweet home

Last night was the first time I have been in my tiny apartment for longer than 20 minutes since 9/11. Last night was the first time I have had a meal that was not delivered, picked-up, or hotel food since 9/11. Last night was the first time I did not worry about killing (or loosing) cats on an hourly basis.

Last night was wonderful.

In the past few weeks I have house/cat sat, shot a short film, started rehearsals, went to San Fran for work, fell down a flight of stairs, and have been hungry 20 out of the 24 hours a day.

Last night I left work and went straight home. I put on my pajamas, turned on Charlie Gibson, and started to cook dinner. What I would make for dinner was a dilemma for me all day. The contents of my fridge and pantry were something like this: frozen chicken, expired guac, 2 bottles of white wine, 1 bottle of champagne, brown rice, black beans, soy mozzarella cheese, and salsa. Obviously all of the necessary ingredients for the perfect quick, easy, and satisfying meal.

After consultation with a well respected cook, we decided on a menu:
  • Pitch the guac - no sense in making myself sick on my first home cooked meal
  • Bake the chicken, when it is almost done, add some salsa on top, once it is warmed through add the mozzarella cheese and hope it melts (b/c fake cheese doesn't always melt like normal cheese)
  • Cook the brown rice in chicken broth (if i can find it in the back of the pantry) and add some of the black beans for a veggie/legume
  • Finally, a glass of wine, just for good measure
It wasn't my finest meal - but it did the job. I made my meal watching the news. I ate my meal, sitting on my couch, watching Seinfeld with bad reception. I cleaned up my dishes watching Criminal Minds (secret fav show I have). I could not have been happier.

Today I went to the farmers market downtown. I now have veggies, bread, fruit, and even some frozen ground beef. (I see a meatloaf in my near future.) I am not sure what dinner to night will be, but at least I will have a full fridge. To me, there is nothing sexier than a full fridge.

My home may be small. I don't really get to choose what room to sit in. I only have 4 chairs, and have to improvise seating with a stools and ottoman. But, the past few weeks I have learned that my apartment works for me. To quote one of my favorite advertising slogans, "It is just my size."

I am ready for fall to start. I want to have fires (in the fireplace) and cuddle up with blankets and hot tea. I have to do this because I refuse to turn on my heat until there is snow on the ground or my pipes freeze - whatever comes last.

This is the first apartment I have renewed my lease at in Chicago. That is a very big deal for me. But it makes sense now. It is my home, and I think I might stay there for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It agree with what you posted - I travel too much for work and with the holidays coming I am stressed that I am still single! I have a date coming up this sat. (from Match)and hope it works out.Good luck with your refearsals * Alanna