Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dear Santa

I know I haven't written you in a while. Things have been a bit busy lately - growing up, finding out you aren't real, grocery shopping...but in the tough economy we are currently in, I thought it couldn't hurt to write to you and let you know what I would really like for Christmas - and the reasons why I think this is a valid request.

I would like a Wii with Wii tennis, boxing, fitness, and yoga.

I feel this would give me the opportunity to exercise when I have time with out having to leave my apartment. Also, if we did a cost analysis, I think the Wii would pay for itself once I cancel my gym membership (which I haven't gone to in over three months).

I have only tried the Wii once, but I really enjoyed it. Though I am not wild for the requirement to play doubles with yourself in the tennis module, it is something I could over come.

In 2008 I have worked very hard to be good. Even today I helped an elderly man who slipped on the snow on his way home from work. Sometimes my temper gets the best of me. (The infamous "cluster-mess" incident with the bus driver.)

A Wii is the only thing on my Christmas from Santa (I requested boots from my Mom and a watch from my Dad so all of that should be taken care of). If you do cannot give me a Wii this year, please give me a sign that I should give it to myself with my bonus money.

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