Monday, December 22, 2008


It is so freaking hard to do nothing. I am at work. The only phone call I got was from my Mom. The only emails I am getting are spam and forwards from my also bored out of their skulls co-workers.

Why am I here? Just to sit in a chair and say I was here because I am out of vacation days. Do they know how much money they are spending on me being here? The coffee cup I used today? The lights in my office, and energy that powers my computer? The paper and ink I used to print off my boarding pass?

Truly, there are three reasons why I came into work:
  1. Print off my boarding pass.
  2. Pick up my Christmas present that was printed at the loop Kinko's
  3. Go to the German Christmas festival.
I will go to the German festival for lunch today. A good old bratwurst with potato pancakes. The only thing missing is the mulled wine. (I am daring at work, but not that daring).

Tonight I have lots to do: chiropractor appointment, wrapping of above mentioned presents, final packing, ect. All things I could have done if I took the day off. But, lets be honest. If I had today of I would be about as productive at home as I am here. I would sleep till 11am, have lunch with a friend, look at my packing for awhile thinking - I should really work on that.

I even have personal stuff I could work on today at work. Am I doing it? Nope. I am totally checked out. My brain is turned off. I am now in a zen like state so I can survive O'Hare airport tomorrow without being sarcastic, mean, or in anyway disruptive to anyone. I have already prepared provisions if delays happen: carrots, power bars, cookies to barter with other passengers for standby status.

But now, I am going to do nothing. I will stare at my iGoogle page, but not read any articles. I contemplate the stacks of files on my desk, but do nothing about it. One thing I will do today - something I love to do - is make a list of what I should do when I am back. Yeah, that is productive! I will plan for the future. Next week when no one is here (though no one is here now) I will get so much done today's lack of doing absolutely nothing will be totally obsolete. Yeah I will make a list. Good idea Alyse.

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