Sunday, August 31, 2008

Match this

So, I am on Match. I am not embarrassed about it (much). I haven't been paying that much attention to it recently, but found myself online in front of crappy TV and thought - what the hell - might as well update that profile and see who is out there.

The opening question is "Describe yourself and your perfect match". Easy-peasy right? If I knew who the f I was and what the f I was looking for - do you really think I would be on Match? But, I fill it out with all of my best qualities - improving everything by an average of 10% and trying to keep the sarcasm to a minimum.

But the question of "your perfect match" still stuck with me. I think they are the imperfections are what draw you into a person. Not in a way of "That is what I am going to fix." But in a way of "that is what makes you different, and that is some of the reason why I like you." Perfection is unattainable. Perfection is boring. Perfection is not what I want. I want a real person - you can only get perfection from an android. And I am not interested in that.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that.

I'll take naked imperfection sitting on my couch watching Family Guy any day.

Al said...

"I think I at too much chicken - can you rub my belly?

Anonymous said...

Have you had any luck on Match yet ?

- Alanna