Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No title can encompass what I felt last night.

I started to feel it last night as I left work to begin wondering the streets of the loop. I found out just hours before that I HAD TICKETS. I was on a high, giddy, but a little gun shy.

Even then at 3pm the universal excitement was palpable. There was something in the air. You know how it feels just before it rains - it was like that only 1000 times more.

We decided to eat and hang out at a bar before we headed to the rally. This was exactly what I wanted. Instant friends with all around. Everyone helping each other out with "what do those charts mean?" And then even moving to getting to personally know about the person sitting at the bar next to you. "I was in Australia for the past 8 years and haven't been able to vote. I was so excited that we came back 6 months ago and I can be a part of this!"

Last night I realized what it must be like to be a baseball fan. To have that collective of strangers all bound together for a common cause. It was a feeling unlike any other I have before, or maybe ever will again.

Getting into the rally was no big deal. We found a place on the hill and got ready to wait it out. But no, America said, in one voice, Yes We Can. I saw the screen and literally did not believe my eyes. "Is this just a CNN prediction? Is this really happening? Holy Balls - we did it!" I have no idea how I reacted. I must have screamed and jumped and then just stood silent taking in what had just happened. It was true.

Obama's speech was amazing. And we would expect no less. But it was different. It was presidential. He knows he has work to do. And I do not agree with everything he says, but I am confident he will listen when we don't agree, which is all I want out of a leader.

The National Anthem was a bit rough - wrong words, bad singing. But who am I to judge - I couldn't do it. We even tried to get the words right afterward and couldn't. I will google it later.

But my favorite part of the night was so simple and silly. It was a sound check. "Test 1 2 3. Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Test for the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES." The crowd went wild. For some reason that is when it was true for me. That is when I lost it. That was when I was confident that I would no longer be embarrassed by the man representing our nation. The President of the United States would be someone I looked up to and could be proud of.

And even today there is still something in the air. As everyone at work compared stories of last night and what our future would bring, I got teary eyed. I look at the cover of the Sun Times and my heart stops.

Last night was our VE day. Last night was our landing on the moon.

And I had the honor to be there.

(and I couldn't have done it with out Louisa and Joey - a big shout out to you for letting me be your "and guest")

1 comment:

Lou said...

Hey, we had fun too! And, I teared up when I read your "Testing 1, 2..." A great moment.