Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Sister Was Right

My sister is right about a lot of stuff, but this one she got right-on:

Dan in Real Life is amazing.

I first watched Dan in Real Life a few months back. It was on my netflix list, I watched it, I liked it, I sent it back. My sister had it on her netflix list, watched it, watched it again, and then a third time. All in a row. She loved it. She thought it was the best thing since When Harry Meet Sally.

Over the past few months I have been thinking about the story of Dan's real life. Is life ever that complicated? Is life ever that simple? Are family vacations ever that cool? I saw it at Borders, had a coupon, and bought it. Impulse buy. I have not been able to stop watching it.

Steve Carell is the Everyman. He represents all of what we face each day. The opening scene says it all. You open your eyes, you sit up, you take a deep breath, say okay, and start the day. Not because it is going to be great. Not because you are so excited about what you are going to do that day. But because it is what comes next.

The forecast for tomorrow is gradual lightness followed by gradual darkness.

You find a way to keep getting up in the morning and going through the day. There are high and low points, but you get through the day.

Bottom line is this movie is great. My sister was right. Since I bought it Tuesday, I have watched it three times. One time I did fall asleep, but it was late.

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