Wednesday, June 18, 2008

random thoughts

Just a few random thoughts from today.

If there is a day to spill soy sauce all over your pants, it is the day you wear black pants. Today I wore black pants.

Does the fact that I figured out how to do T9 entry texting on my cell phone make me a Gen Yer? Or does the fact that it took me a month make me a Gen Xer?

If, on the CTA, I hit a fellow passanger in the shoulder with my bag on purpose because she is stupid, am I being aggressive or passive aggressive?

If the highlight of my auditions this week was a picture of my arm pit, was this a good week or a bad week?

If I put in the ice cream store suggestion box that they should be open in the morning so I can get ice cream before I go to work, do you think they will figure out it is me?

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