Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tony's wrap-up

I didn't really finish up my blogging live from the Tony's - I didn't want to step on Chris Jone's toes...actually, I got kind of bored and ran out for ice cream. By the time I got back they were singing RENT and everyone was having a love-fest.

All in all - great night for Chicago at the Tony's. But what I thought was missing was an that you don't have to go to NYC to see a play. This is probably the largest group of non-theater people the Theater Community will amass in 2008. Theatre is happening all across this country. Is it focused in NYC - yes. Are the Tony's Broadway specific - yes. But throw the rest of us a bone. Let freaking Barbara Gains give her speech on the actual telecast. There is more to theater than the Little Mermaid, Jersey Boys, Mary Poppins, and South Pacific. This years Tony's only precipitates that stereotype and it does no good for storefront, regional, or community theaters across the country.

**disclaimer - if anyone is casting for The Little Mermaid, Jersey Boys, Mary Poppins, or South Pacific, I will rescind all comments and happily work for you.***

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